Monster Hunter: World Iceborne ofrece a los jugadores un montón de diferentes tipos de armaduras, armas y habilidades para elegir y combinar. Se agregan nuevos elementos con cada expansión. Como la nueva expansión Iceborne acaba de lanzarse, juntar todo esto puede parecer un poco intimidante. Sin embargo, no te preocupes, en esta guía hemos reunido los mejores equipamientos de Monster Hunter: World Iceborne para ti.

Monster Hunter: Equipamientos mundiales en hielo

Las siguientes son algunas de las mejores configuraciones que puedes usar en la expansión Monster Hunter: World Iceborne:

Gran equipamiento de espada para todo uso.

Este equipamiento es un equipamiento completo y de uso general. El arma para este Great Sword Loadout es el “Impact” de Wyvern Ignition.

La característica más importante de este equipamiento es que te permite emplear habilidades sin necesidad de ningún equipo. El arma Wyvern Ignition “Impact” se puede obtener en Event Quests. Sin embargo, si no lo tienes, el Jagras Hacker III también funciona bien con este equipamiento.

Si tampoco tienes suficientes joyas expertas, siéntete libre de usar joyas de ataque o paralizadoras.

Las armas, habilidades y piezas de armadura de este equipamiento, con sus respectivas decoraciones, son las siguientes:

arma Decoraciones
“Impacto” de ignición de Wyvern Joya experta 1 Joya experta 1

Armadura Decoraciones
Parche en el ojo del Rey Dragón α Poderosa joya 2
Correo de Damasco β Joya experta 1 Joya experta 1 Joya de vitalidad 1
Brazaletes Kaiser β Podría joya 2
Bobina de Damasco β Funda Joya 1 Funda Joya 1 Funda Joya 1
Grebas de emperatriz β Joya poderosa 2 Joya elemental 2

Nivel de mejora de salud. 3
Nivel de artesanía. 3
Nivel de vaina rápido. 3
Nivel crítico de los ojos. 4
Nivel máximo de poder. 3
Nivel de explotación de debilidades. 3
Nivel de enfoque. 3
Impulso no elemental

Gran carga de fuego de espada

Este equipamiento también utiliza el arma “Impact” Wyvern Ignition. El objetivo principal de este equipamiento es tener mucha potencia de fuego para causar una gran cantidad de daño.

Una cosa a tener en cuenta es que el encantamiento de enfoque se puede sustituir por un encantamiento de ataque, si deseas aumentar aún más tu producción de daño, a costa de la tasa de recarga del indicador del arma.

Arma Decoraciones
“Impacto” de ignición de Wyvern Joya de ataque 1Joya experta 1

Armadura Decoraciones
Parche en el ojo del Rey Dragón α Joya ablandadora 2
Correo Drachen α Joya poderosa
Brazaletes Drachen α Joya poderosa 2Joya ablandadora 2
Bobina de Drachen α Joya sin elementos 2
Grebas de Drachen α Cargar joya 2
Encanto de enfoque II

Nivel crítico de los ojos. 7
Nivel de explotación de debilidades. 3
Nivel de impulso crítico. 3
Nivel de prolongador de potencia. 1
El toque del maestro
Nivel de impulso de ataque. 4
Nivel de enfoque. 3
Nivel máximo de poder. 2
Impulso no elemental

Equipamiento basado en la nitidez de la espada larga

El objetivo principal de este equipamiento es maximizar la nitidez del Divine Slasher. La armadura Drachen aquí permite equipar las decoraciones necesarias. Estas decoraciones refuerzan el filo y el daño del arma.

Arma Decoraciones
Asesino Divino Joya de refuerzo 3

Armadura Decoraciones
Yelmo Nergigante β Joya experta 1Joya de ataque 1
Correo Drachen α Joya ablandadora 2
Brazaletes Drachen α Joya ablandadora 2Joya ablandadora
Bobina de Drachen α Joya crítica 2
Grebas de Drachen α Joya sin elementos 2
Encanto artesanal III

Nivel crítico de los ojos. 7
Nivel de impulso crítico. 3
Nivel de artesanía. 3
Nivel libre de estremecimiento. 1
Nivel de prolongador de potencia. 1
Nivel de impulso de ataque. 4
Nivel de explotación de debilidades. 3
Nivel máximo de poder. 2
Impulso no elemental
El toque del maestro

Supervivencia con espada larga + equipamiento basado en daños

Esta carga se basa en aumentar tu daño tanto como sea posible, al mismo tiempo que aumenta tu capacidad de supervivencia para no convertirte en un cañón de vidrio.

Arma Decoraciones
Furia de espada de Taroth Joya del tapón para los oídos 3

Armadura Decoraciones
Drachen Armet α Joya del tapón para los oídos 3 Joya de ataque 1
Correo Drachen α Joya sin elementos 2
Brazaletes Drachen α Joya ablandadora 2Joya ablandadora 2
Cola de traje de gala α Joya ablandadora 2Joya de vitalidad 1Joya de vitalidad 1
Grebas de Drachen α Joya de vitalidad 1
Tapones para los oídos Charm III

Nivel de tapones para los oídos. 5
Nivel crítico de los ojos. 4
Nivel de impulso crítico. 3
Capacidad del eslingador aumentada
Elemental aerotransportado
Nivel de impulso de ataque. 4
Nivel de explotación de debilidades. 3
Nivel de mejora de salud. 3
Impulso no elemental
El toque del maestro

Equipamiento basado en Sword Shield Barroth Club

Estas decoraciones en este equipamiento ofrecen un daño increíble. Además, la armadura no es muy difícil de hacer.

Arma Decoraciones
Club Barroth III Tenderizer Jewel 2Attack Jewel 1

Armor Decorations
Dragonking Eyepatch α Elemental Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2
Drachen Mail α Flawless Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Critical Jewel 2Might Jewel 2
Drachen Coil α Mighty Jewel 2
Drachen Greaves α Mighty Jewel 2
Unscathed Charm II

Critical Eye Level. 6
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Peak Performance Level. 3
Power Prolonger Level. 1
Attack Boost Level. 4
Critical Boost Level. 3
Maximum Might Level. 3
Non-elemental Boost

Sword Shield All-Purpose Loadout

This loadout boosts health, defense and damage output, making it a very well-balanced loadout. Your evade window will also be increased with this loadout, making it easier for you to dodge and stay alive for longer.

Weapon Decorations
Fatal Bite None

Armor Decorations
Kaiser Crown γ Tenderizer Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2
Drachen Mail α Critical Jewel 2
Kaiser Vambraces α Expert Jewel 1
Empress Coil γ Mighty Jewel 2
Kaiser Greaves γ Mighty Jewel 2Vitality Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm III

Critical Eye Level. 7
Critical Boost Level. 3
Handicraft Level. 3
Evade WIndow Level. 2
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Health Boost Level. 3
Maximum Might Level. 2
Master’s Touch

Dual Blades Demon Mode Based Loadout

Your time in Demon mode will be increased by this loadout and it allows you to swap blades for each element in it. Changing the blade will grant you the exact same result. With this build, you can acquire Health Level. 3.

Weapon Decorations
Dual Blades for each element None

Armor Decorations
Rath Soul Helm β Grinder Jewel 1Grinder Jewel 1
Rathalos Mail β Grinder Jewel 1
Kushala Grip β Tenderizer Jewel 2
Diablos Coil β Evasion Jewel 2
Death Stench Heel β Vitality Jewel 1Vitality Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm III

Handicraft Level. 5
Speed Sharpening Level. 3
Marathon Runner Level. 2
Critical Boost Level. 1
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Evade WIndow Level. 3
Health Boost Level. 2
Critical Element

Dual Blades Kjarr Dagger Based Loadout

This loadout helps you take advantage of the monsters’ elemental weakness. With this loadout, you are free to change the jewels and weapon so other elemental dual blade weapons can be accommodated for.

Weapon Decorations
Kjarr Daggers “Water” Stream Jewel 1

Armor Decoration
Drachen Armet α Handicraft Jewel 3Stream Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kushala Cocoon γ Expert Jewel 1Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Greaves α Attack Jewel 1
Attack Charm III

Attack Boost Level. 7
Critical Boost Level. 3
Handicraft Level. 3
Elemental Airborne
Critical Eye Level. 6
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Water Attack Level. 2
Critical Element

Hammer Taroth Hammer Sleep Based Loadout

The Taroth Hammer Sleep hammer is up there with the highest damage-dealing weapons in the game. This loadout utilizes it to its full potential; squeezing out every ounce of damage it is able to deliver.

Weapon Decorations
Taroth Hammer Sleep Elementaless Jewel 2

Armor Decoration
Drachen Armet α Critical Jewel 2Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Mighty Jewel 2Mighty Jewel 2
Kushala Cocoon γ Expert Jewel 1Expert Jewel
Nergigante Greaves γ Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Attack Charm III

Critical Eye Level. 7
Critical Boost Level. 3
Handicraft Level. 3
Attack Boost Level. 7
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Maximum Might Level. 2
Non-elemental Boost

High Stability Loadout

The idea with this build is to let you get right up in the monsters’ faces and punish them. The high stability with this build will prevent you from being rag-dolled.

One thing to note with this loadout is that you are free to swap the Vitality Jewels with whatever other decoration you desire, making this build quite versatile.

Weapon Decorations
Diablos Shatterer II Elementaless Jewel

Armor Decoration
Bazel Helm β Earplug Jewel 3
Dober Mail β Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kaiser Vambraces α Vitality Jewel 1
Bazel Coil β Brace Jewel 3
Death Stench Heel β Vitality Jewel 1Vitality Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm III

Handicraft Level. 5
Attack Boost Level. 2
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Non-elemental Boost
Earplugs Level. 5
Health Boost Level. 3
Flinch Free Level. 1

Hunting Horns Survivability Based Loadout

The skills used int his loadout increase your defense by a very significant amount. One of the standout skills is ‘Guts’ which can prevent you from being knocked out instantly.

Weapon Decorations
Empress Roar “Blaze” Sonorous Jewel 1

Armor Decoration
Bazel Helm β Tenderizer Jewel 2Attack Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2
Drachen Coil α Jumping Jewel 2
Drachen Greaves α Jumping Jewel 2
Earplugs Charm III

Critical Eye Level. 6
Attack Boost Level. 4
Critical Boost Level. 3
Horn Maestro Level. 1
Earplugs Level. 5
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Evade Extender Level. 2
Power Prolonger Level. 1
Master’s Touch

Hunting Horns Balanced Taroth Pipe Sleep Based Loadout

This loadout grants high damage coupled with great defense. Making for a very well-balanced loadout.

Weapon Decorations
Taroth Pipe “Sleep” Evasion Jewel 2

Armor Decoration
Nergigante Helm β Expert Jewel 1Expert Jewel 1
Nergigante Mail γ Earplug Jewel 3Elementaless Jewel 2Vitality Jewel 1
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Empress Coil γ Earplug Jewel 3
Nergigante Greaves γ Tenderizer Jewel 2Sonorous Jewel 1
Earplug Charm III

Earplugs Level. 5
Critical Eye Level. 4
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Evade Window Level. 3
Non-elemental Boost Level. 1
Attack Boost Level. 4
Health Boost Level. 3
Maximum Might Level. 3
Horn Maestro Level. 1
Hasten Recovery

Lances All-Purpose Loadout (Non-Gamma) Loadout

This loadout is very versatile. It will work well in pretty much every situation, without the need of gamma armor. One of the best features of this loadout is that you have very high stamina, so you can fight for a very long time.

Weapon Decorations
Perdition’s Hand Expert Jewel 1

Armor Decoration
Empress Crown β Brace Jewel 3Empty Slot 3
Nergigante Mail β Critical Jewel 2Expert Jewel 1
Kaiser Vambraces α Expert Jewel 1
Odogaron Coil β Tenderizer Jewel 2
Uragaan Greaves α Empty Slot 1
Ironside Charm III

Guard Level. 5
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Evade Extender Level. 2
Critical Boost Level. 1
Critical Eye Level. 5
Stamina Surge Level. 2
Flinch Free Level. 1

Lances VersatileTaroth Crest Claw Based Loadout

The weapon used in this loadout, the Taroth Crest Claw, is one of the best weapons in the game; having great damage, sharpness, affinity and it can even inflict fire damage. The skills used in this loadout help this weapon to perform to its maximum potential.

This loadout is also very versatile. You can swap the Jewels in it for other ones, depending on what monster you’re about to fight.

Weapon Decorations
Taroth Crest Claw Attack Jewel 1

Armor Decoration
Drachen Armet α Elementaless Jewel 2Ironwall Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Flawless Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Kushala Cocoon γ Ironwall Jewel 1Ironwall Jewel 1
Drachen Greaves α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Unscathed Charm II

Critical Eye Level. 4
Critical Boost Level. 3
Peak Performance Level. 3
Handicraft Level. 2
Master’s Touch
Elemental Airborne
Attack Boost Level. 4
Guard Level. 3
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Non-elemental Boost

Gunlances Inexpensive Well-Balanced Loadout

This loadout will serve well in most of the battles you will get into, without being difficult to craft. This loadout also provides a lot of room for customization, so feel free to mess around with it.

Weapon Decorations
Empress Howl “Styx” Empty Slot 1Empty Slot 3

Armor Decoration
Dragonking Eyepatch α Brace Jewel 3
Bazel Mail β Empty Slot 1Empty Slot 1
Uragaan Vambraces β Jumping Jewel 2
High Metal Coil β Vitality Jewel 1
Empress Greaves β Tenderizer Jewel 2Jumping Jewel 2
Artillery Charm III

Guard Level. 3
Health Boost Level. 3
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Evade Extender Level. 2
Capacity Boost
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
Health Boost Level. 3
Flinch Free Level. 1
Artillery Level. 3

Gunlances Taroth Buster Water Based Loadout

Weapon Decorations
Taroth Buster Water Magazine Jewel 2

Armor Decorations
Xeno’jiiva Headgear γ Tenderizer Jewel 2Ironwall Jewel 1Ironwall Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Elementaless Jewel 2
Xeno’jiiva Spine γ Ironwall Jewel 1Expert Jewel 1
Xeno’jiiva Spurs γ Attack Jewel 1Attack Jewel 1Attack Jewel 1
Artillery Charm III

Critical Eye Level. 5
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Guard Level. 3
Blight Resistance Level. 2
Critical Boost Level. 3
Attack Boost Level. 4
Power Prolonger Level. 1
Artillery Level. 3
Capacity Boost
Non-elemental Boost
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
Elemental Airborne

Switch Axes Survivability + Damage (Non-Gamma) Loadout

Another well-balanced loadout. It gives high damage accompanied by good defense. Also, it is rather easy to craft as you don’t need expensive gamma armor.

Weapon Decorations
Power Smasher II Tenderizer Jewel 2

Armor Decoration
Nergigante Helm α Vitality Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Critical Jewel 2
Drachen Coil α Vitality Jewel 1
Drachen Greaves α Vitality Jewel 1
Attack Charm III

Health Boost Level. 3
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Attack Boost Level. 7
Critical Boost Level. 3
Maximum Might Level. 2
Critical Eye Level. 6
Power Prolonger Level. 1
Elemental Airborne
Master’s Touch

Switch Axes Terror Tyrannos Based Loadout

This loadout utilizes the Terror Tyrannos is one of the strongest weapons in the game, having great sharpness and attack power. This loadout enables the weapon to deal its high damage without sacrificing its sharpness.

Weapon Augment
Terror Tyrannos Attack IncreaseAttack Increase

Armor Decorations
Nergigante Helm α Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Critical Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Coil α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Greaves α Mighty Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm III

Critical Boost Level. 3
Handicraft Level. 3
Critical Eye Level. 7
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Attack Boost Level. 4
Maximum Might Level. 3
Power Prolonger Level. 1
Elemental Airborne
Master’s Touch

Charge Blades Stability (Non-Gamma) Loadout

This loadout allows you to get very close to the monsters and fight them from the inside, instead of battling for afar. The skills used here all synergize together very well to let you do that.

Weapon Augment
Diablos Tyrannis II Attack IncreaseHealth Regen

Armor Decoration
Bazel Helm β Earplug Jewel 3Ironwall Jewel 1
Damascus Mail β Artillery Jewel 1Artillery Jewel 1Artillery Jewel 1
Diablos Nero Braces β Magazine Jewel 2Vitality Jewel 1
Bazel Coil β Elementaless Jewel 2
Death Stench Heel β Vitality Jewel 1Vitality Jewel 1
Handicraft Charm III

Artillery Level. 3
Focus Level. 3
Earplugs Level. 5
Health Boost Level. 3
Guard Level. 1
Handicraft Level. 5
Capacity Boost
Non-elemental Boost

Charge Blades Super High Damage Loadout

The weapon employed in his loadout, the Diablos Tyrannis II, is one of the very high damage weapons in the game. This loadout enables the weapon to reach that high damage potential.

Weapon Augment
Diablos Tyrannis II Attack IncreaseHealth Regen

Armor Decoration
Dragonking Eyepatch α Handicraft Jewel 3
Nergigante Mail γ Elementaless Jewel 2Elementaless Jewel 2Ironwall Jewel 1
Kushala Grip γ Artillery Jewel 1Artillery Jewel 1Artillery Jewel 1
Nergigante Coil γ Handicraft Jewel 3Attack Jewel 1
Nergigante Greaves γ Charger Jewel 2Magazine Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm III

Focus Level. 3
Artillery Level. 3
Handicraft Level. 5
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Agitator Level. 1
Attack Boost Level. 4
Maximum Might Level. 2
Guard Level. 1
Hasten Recovery
Non-elemental Boost
Capacity Boost

Insect Glaives Stability Loadout

This loadout is more focused on stability and versatility, instead of damage. This loadout will make it very easy for you to mount monsters.

Weapon Decoration
Empress Cane “Styx” Mighty Jewel 2Attack Jewel 1

Armor Decoration
Bazel Helm β Mighty Jewel 2Vitality Jewel 1
Xeno’jiiva Hide β Vitality Jewel 1Vitality Jewel 1
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Coil α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Greaves α Critical Jewel 2
Earplugs Charm III

Health Boost Level. 3
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Earplugs Level. 5
Power Prolonger Level. 3
Critical Boost Level. 1
Critical Eye Level. 4
Attack Boost Level. 4
Maximum Might
Razor Sharp/Spare Shot

Insect Glaives Grunge Storm Based Loadout

The Grunge Storm is probably the most powerful Insect Glaives in the game. This loadout utilizes it to its full potential, allowing for great damage. However, the defense here is a bit underwhelming. So, you’ll have to be cautious while in battles.

Weapon Augmentation
Empress Cane “Styx” Attack IncreaseAttack Increase

Armor Decoration
Drachen Armet α Critical Jewel 2Expert Jewel 1
Drachen Mail α Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Vambraces α Tenderizer Jewel 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Drachen Coil α Mighty Jewel 2
Nergigante Greaves γ Mighty Jewel 2Mighty Jewel 2
Handicraft Charm III

Critical Boost Level. 3
Weakness Exploit Level. 3
Handicraft Level. 3
Critical Eye Level. 7
Power Prolonger Level. 1
Attack Boost Level. 4
Maximum Might Level. 3
Master’s Touch
Elemental Airborne

3-Star Ranged Weapon Loadout

The Heavy Bowgun loadout is based on boosting evasion and stamina restoration.

Slot Equipment Name Skill
Head Kadachi Helm Constitution (Level 1)
Chest Kulu Mail Stamina Surge (Level 1)
Arms Barroth Vambraces Marathon Runner (Level 1)
Waist Pukei Coil Poison Attack (Level 1)
Leg Jyura Greaves Focus (Level 1)

Armor Stats

Def 62
Fire 0
Water -15
Ice 3
Thunder 6
Dragon 0

Bow Loadout

This bow loadout is based on boosting stamina as much as possible.

Slot Equipment Name Skill
Head Kadachi Helm Constitution (Level 1)
Chest Kulu Mail Stamina Surge (Level 1)
Arms Kadachi Vambraces Evade Extender (Level 1)
Waist Kulu Coil Item Prolonger (Level 1)
Leg Kulu Greaves Critical Eye (Level 1)

Armor Stats

Def 66
Fire -4
Water -6
Ice 0
Thunder 0
Dragon 1

Bowgun Loadout

This bowgun loadout works with special ammo.

Slot Equipment Name Skill
Head King Beetle Vertex Evade Window (Level 1)
Chest Tzitzi Mail Constitution (Level 1)
Arms Anja Vambraces Special Am